One time secret help

This application allows users to temporarily store sensitive information and pass it along easily and securely. Each secret has it's own unique url. Upon retrieval, the secret gets deleted from the database immediately. Each secret can thus be retrieved only once. If the recipient can not retrieve the secret when accessing the unique url, someone else might have seen the secret already, therefor the data might be compromised.

Secret Types

Custom Secret

Type or paste any piece of text (certificates, private keys, passwords, whatever) in the custom secret field and click 'store secret' to save the text.

Random String

Generates a simple random string with a default length. Change the length and make the string more complex by changing 'Secret Type' to 'letters and numners + other characters'.
Click the 'generate new random secret' button after you updated the settings. The new random string will be displayed.
Click the 'store secret' button to save the currently displayed secret.

SSH Keypair

Generate a ssh keypair in RSA or DSA format with a given keylength.
You can add a passphrase to encrypt the private key. The passphrase will be stored with the secret and will be presented when the keypair is retrieved from the databse.
SSH Key Comment will be appended to the ssh-formatted public key.
Click the 'generate new ssh key' button after you updated the settings. The newly generated keypair will be displayed.
Click the 'store secret' button to save the currently displayed keypair.

General options

You can add a comment to the Custom and Random secrets by using the 'comment' field. Make sure not to add too much context to keep the secret safe.

You can add a recipient email to each secret. This will send out and email containing the unique url.
The recipient will have to enter the emailaddress when retrieving the secret.


OneTimeSecret was originally created by Paul Herbosch.